
The Wisdom of Children Breaks My Heart

i just talked to my wife and she told me a very sweet and powerful story about our 3.5-year-old daughter.

you see, there is a fellow we know who has decided to ignore God for a season and indulge in the delights of the world. as a result, his life has progressively sucked more with each passing day. friends of this guy would say he's happy as a lark, but he's confided how miserable he is. and he says he wants to return to God, but just hasn't yet.

my wife and i pray for this guy on a regular basis, and encourage our daughter to do the same. almost every time our daughter prays, she begs God to help this guy love God again.

as if that weren't heart breaking enough.

today's story, the one that this whole thing is focused on, is a short conversation...

daughter: is our wandering friend hiding from God?
wife: what do you mean?
daughter? umm...like joseph.
wife: no, not joseph.
daughter: oh, i mean jonah.
wife: yes. like jonah.

my wife then went on to cry a bit at the wisdom that is gleaned through the eyes of a child, and the comfort of knowing our daughter loves the Lord at such a young age.

God is good...

1 comment:

wonny68 said...

That was an awfully sweet story with your daughter.
BTW, I'd like to read the Skottie page you wrote. I tried, but it's too small :(