
From the Chattanoogan.com: Quit Doing Your Job!

One for the books--someone feels it's not right for meter maids to do their jobs. At least not on prom night. I mean, there are KIDS out there, and the LAST thing they need to learn is responsibility!

Anyway, this opinion piece is hilarious. Though I'm sure it would have had a different slant if the "author" wanted a parking space that was taken by someone with a meter that was run out and no meter maid was around to write a ticket. I can imagine it now: "Thank you, meter maid, for seeing how frustrating this problem is."

Diagnosis: We don't want people to do their jobs. I saw the same meter maid problem by some guy who ran into Starbucks downtown a few months ago. He came out and a lady was writing him a ticket. "Oh, come on!" he yelled. "I was just inside for a few minutes!" Guess what, pal, you don't pay to park, you PAY to park. It's her job.

I also got to experience this at Babies R Us a few years back. I just needed to buy something for my oldest daughter. While in the line, some lady was having a hissy fit with the cashier. "I'm on the news! You know who I am!" Her problem was that she wanted to write a check but had no photo ID, which is required at that store. The cashier was doing her job. The cashier even called her manager to see if they could let her off--nope. And that news lady (I have no idea who she was--an African-American with an infant at the time) had the nerve to tell the cashier that she was going to put something on the news about it. GIVE ME A BREAK. What would she say? "Local cashier followed company policy on Tuesday evening." Sounds like something off the Onion.

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