
I Tried Not to Post This...

But I can't help myself. I am head over heels for this band, and there's nothing that can stop this relationship. So without further ado, yet another King's X video for your face. This one has pretty good audio, etc...and the song is insanely awesomisity.


colrusfamily said...

I feel the same way.

I listen to at least one of their CDs each and every week.

What's your fave?

daniel said...

that, my friend, is an insanely tough question. i honestly don't know. i actually got in the kx train way late...with ear candy. i then had to go back and fall in love with their early stuff. for me, it's probably a tie b/t ear candy and dogman, though if i were on a desert island, i probably couldn't survive w/out over my head, pleadies, and dozens of their other songs.

and you?

colrusfamily said...

Mine is "Gretchen," but I like them all for different reasons. i was in high school in Connecticut when "Faith, Hope, Love" came out, and that was the first I heard of them. I loved "It's Love." They used to play it on WPLR all the time. I saw them for the first time at Toad's Place in New Haven on July 4, 1992. It was, quite simply, the loudest concert ever. And also quite awesome.

You know Letterman's band plays "We Were Born to Be Loved" as bumper music sometimes, right? They're all fans.