
Cool Down: The Polite Bad Review

Every once in a while, I'll receive a CD to review that I really don't want. While I typically shy away from reviews that will hurt an artist's career, I'm not always able to do so.

One of these problematic CDs came my way this week, courtesy of Southeast Performer. I've not written anything for them in a while, so I gave them the green light to send something my way. As soon as I popped the disc in, I knew what I would be up against: give it a real review or be nice and shelve my feelings.

Well, I had to go the hard route. The band may like me if I give a sweet review, but it would be a lie. For a writer, there are few things worse than risking your integrity to make someone happy.

For a person, I believe the same holds true.

So there will be a few guys who wish someone else had received their music to review. Does it really matter what I say? It's just my opinion and plenty of other people have been digging their music. Besides, if they're doing it for the critics, they won't survive long anyway.

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