
I'm Back!

Well, it's been a while, but I'm back to blogging. No, I didn't have any great impact the first, second, or third times around, but I'm back nonetheless. If nothing else, this will give me opportunity to write whatever I want to write whenever I want to write it.

No pressure, all pleasure.

Anyway, for those keeping track, things have been loco in Cleveland, Tennessee, my new homeland. New job, now an old job...and these circumstances have really opened my eyes to God's provisions.

Speaking of God, we're growing to love our new church. But don't let this fool you. We miss the folks at Cornerstone greatly. And while there are those who travel as far as we would have to travel to stay at Cornerstone, we're called here. There's just something great about being able to play racquetball with guys you go to church with without driving 45 minutes.

Anyway, I may post some writing warm-ups here in the coming weeks. I'd love to do one every day, but I doubt that's going to happen. So for today, this was my writing warm-up.

That said, time to get back to work.

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