
10 Year Pics

So no one has ventured a guess on Q #2, so I'm not giving satisfaction of an answer.

But I will toss some more photos on here for your viewing pleasure.


Unknown said...

Absolutely fucking amazing. I should have canceled/dropped/ignored everything that every mattered to me to be there. Is that Ross fucking George? wow....You got to keep these coming. please.

daniel said...

10 years...1 word added to your vocabulary.


yeah, it's ross. and yeah, you should have dropped everything. fab was there--yes, from italy.

you, my friend, are the ultimate slacker.

carry on...

Unknown said...

Well, language is my tool....

You'll have to forgive me, I'm a bit excited...I had travel last minute for business (out of Nashville, no less), but I really should have come. Who needs an income when you've got Michael Paul (let's see if I can spell this...) Techenkco? Right?

In all seriousness, keep the photos coming. I haven't even dreamed of these faces in a decade.

Who's the guy next to Allison?

daniel said...

wait a second--you traveled OUT OF nashville--as in you live in nashville and traveled elsewhere? or as in the business took place in nashville or somewhere abouts? you're in pa or something like that, aren't you?

and i have no answer to your question. financial security comes in a distant third to seeing mpt's smiling mug, even though you probably didn't spell his last name right. i have my sources trying to determine how to really spell that elusive 3-syllable last name.

the guy next to allison is her super-hot husband. he's a fine fellow.

so since i have your attention, why don't you tell the world what you've done with the past 10 years of your life? just remember--if you misuse a tool, it will break on you...or ruin whatever you're trying to fix.


Unknown said...

It's a long story- I live in Providence, RI, I was working Nashville on a record and then at the last minute (the night of the reunion, no less) had to fly to London to do some label/ promo nonsense.

Sarah had talked me into making it to Chattanooga up until that point, but the gods wouldn't have it. Or at least the people who pay my rent....

As for my last ten years...it's been mainly a lot of moving around, getting degrees I don't particularly want or use, sitting in airports, playing video baseball with Brad Buchanan, riding in tour buses, learning to drive in Britain, getting mugged in Amsterdam, learning to speak Welsh, buying a ton of shit off ebay, sleeping poorly, being a half-assed vegan, smoking menthols and drinking a lot of coffee.

I got married too, but, then again, haven't we all?

anyway, hope you're well. Give my best to Jessica and congrats (all be it a bit late, on the little ones...)

Unknown said...
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Jim Mutrie said...
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Jim Mutrie said...

If I had known Mason wasn't coming, I wouldn't have lugged down my TV, N64, and copy of All-Star Baseball 2000 in preparation for another rendition of Astros-Orioles.

My guess for the second trivia question is the person who wrote the four books and the play from the first question.

In conclusion, the word "fuck."

Unknown said...

Oh Brad. Wasn't it Giants/O's? I could be wrong.... I remember some classic battles....True sportmanship from two decidedly non-sportsmen.

I'm really catching some shade for my salty language...

Look, we're all adults here, we all exercise some level of civility and prior restraint in our daily interactions, but the sight of Ross George after 10 years, how you say? Pumps my nads. I will not deny the impulse.

daniel said...

what salty language? don't tell me you still think there is some kind of common decency that ought be followed in the public forum. that's SOOOO 1997.

and who can blame you for your impulse? it likely does the same for many. you're just the only one with the "nads" to admit it.

speaking of that funny word, i remember the first time i heard it. MONSTER SQUAD--the movie. One kid: "hit him (speaking of wolfman) in the nads!" Second kid: (hits him, causing wolman to double over) "Wolfman has nads!"

actually, i think it was nards. oh well. here's to me hoping no one reads this.

Anonymous said...

I'll one button stomp a mudhole in both your butts, and walk it dry in WCW N64. Only if captain Powell and the step ho are present though. I'm also bringing Chappy, Anthony, your undertaker roomate, the crunk, the junk and the funk for good luck. (I know only mason knows all those people, but just play along).
No profanity needed.,


Anonymous said...

Oh my sweet mother! I sooooooooo wish that I could have been there for this one. It is just crazy seeing everyone again and actually having no clue which person in the picture I actually went to school with! yikes.....please keep sharing pictures. I am addicted to seeing them now.
Thanks for the update Mason. I know it wasn't for my personal benefit but it was great. L-O-V-E the comments.