
Seeking Advice on Selling Home By Owner

Hello comrades,

I write to you in great need. My wife and I are considering selling the house and moving, and we need your help. If any of you have ever sold a house by owner, I'd love to know the steps that have to be taken.

You know...the unobvious and the obvious. I know to put a for sale sign in the yard and to touch up paint, etc...

But what about paper work? Do I need to have a contract first? Do I need to have it appraised, etc??? Have any recommendations for people we should use to do these things?

You are all wonderful. And as a reward for considering this, you are treated to pictures of my brother's moustache and another picture from the 2nd annual brantley brother's backpacking extravaganza in november '06!
Thanks much,

p.s. picked up a copy of man or astroman's destroy all astromen yesterday. great stuff. it's interesting b/c i thought the cd i had of theirs was all b-side stuff, but the first track of the record i picked up yesterday is on the cd what remains inside a black hole.

very interesting...

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